Our Dark sun game's been running for more than a year now, and it's finally time for my players to fight a sorcerer-monarch for the first time. I've been running my adaptation of the Forest Maker 2E module for 4E since they began at level 16.
At level 18, they have just finished disrupting Abalach's play for a quickened draconic ascension. I modeled it a level 19 skill challenge (which they succeeded at 12 successes and 1 failure), so they are able to channel the ritual to grant themselves a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls, while Abalach-Re's draconic form is unstable.
Here's my custom stats for her draconic form. It's still at level 23 and as such is extremely difficult for 5 level 18 adventurers with 1 level 17 6th man, but the +4 attacks will give them a fighting chance. Besides, this is Dark Sun. Sorcerer-monarchs will always be hard in my DS games.
Destroying this form will not kill Abalach - it will only revert her to her Creature Catalog form, at which point she tries to escape. (Of course, if the players think they can still fight a full-hp level 23 human Abalach, that's their TPK.)
Why did I turn her into a 5-headed dragon? Doesn't that scream "Tiamat clone?" Well, maybe, but it's one of my only three huge dragon minis, and I have other plans for the dracolich and huge red.
Meta: I made the statblock with Masterplan and then exported the html file into this blog. I think the CSS will mess with the page a bit, but that's alright. :P As long as the statblock itself is in a format I like, it's all good. And damn, this statblock is LONG. Maybe I should get rid of all the fluff entries.
Abalach (Dragon Form)
Huge natural magical beast (dragon, sorcerer-queen) |
Level 23 Solo Controller
25500 XP |
HP 884; Bloodied 442 | Initiative +0 | |
AC 37; Fort 36; Ref 36; Will 35 | Perception +21 | |
Speed 10, Fly 10 (hover), teleport 3 | Darkvision | |
Resist Half damage from non-epic implements or weapons | ||
Saving Throws +5 Action Points 2 | ||
Traits | ||
Quintuple Actions | ||
Abalach-Re's multiple heads allow her to think and act 5 times as fast as normal beings. Abalach-Re does not roll initiative. Her heads have set initiative counts of 40, 35, 30, 25, and 20. She cannot ready or delay actions. Each head can activate once per round to take a standard action and a minor action. Abalach-Re's ability to take immediate actions refreshes on each head's activation. |
Draconic Focus | ||
Abalach-Re combines her psionic focus and arcane concentration to make her next attack more devastating. At the start of each of her turns, Abalach-Re may choose to skip it to gain Draconic Focus. (Most of Abalach-Re's attacks are made more powerful by expending her draconic focus.) |
Spirit Flight | ||
Abalach-Re appears ghostly as she moves. Abalach-Re becomes insubstantial and phasing while moving. |
Standard Actions | ||
Bite of the Defiler (necrotic) ♦ At-Will (basic attack) | ||
Range: Melee 3 Attack: +28 vs AC Hit: 3d10 + 15 damage, and ongoing 15 necrotic damage (save ends). Focus: If Abalach-Re has dragon focus, she loses it and this attack deals an extra 15 necrotic damage whether or not it hits. |
Claw ♦ At-Will (basic attack) | ||
Range: Melee 2 (one or two targets) Attack: +28 vs AC Focus: If Abalach-Re has draconic focus, she loses it and can make up to four attacks with this power. Hit: 3d8 + 10 damage, and Abalach-Re slides the target 2 squares. |
Mindwreck (psychic) ♦ recharges at the start of each round | ||
One of Abalach-Re's heads uses her impressive mastery of psionics to turn a hero against his allies. Range: Ranged 10 Attack: +27 vs Will Hit: 3d10 + 15 psychic damage, and the target is dominated until the end of its next turn. |
Rain of Missiles (force) ♦ recharges at the start of each round | ||
One of Abalach-Re's heads casts a magic missile spell to devastating effect. Range: Ranged 20 (targets all enemies in range) Effect: Each target takes 20 force damage. Focus: If Abalach-Re has draconic focus, she loses it, this power gains the necrotic keyword and deals 25 necrotic and force damage instead. |
Meteor Swarm (fire) ♦ Encounter | ||
One of Abalach-Re's heads casts one of the most devastating spells known to Athas. Range: Area Burst 1 within 20, four bursts with no overlapping squares Attack: +26 vs Reflex Hit: 5d6 + 17 fire damage. Miss: Half Damage. Focus: If Abalach-Re has draconic focus, she loses it, this attack gains the necrotic keyword, it deals an extra 15 damage, and the damage is considered to be fire and necrotic. Effect: Each of the bursts creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Whenever a creature enters the zone or starts its turn there, that creature takes 15 fire damage. |
Breath of Shredding Sand ♦ recharges when bloodied | ||
Each of Abalach-Re's five heads spew sand at supersonic velocities. She then controls the sand and senses through them. Range: Close Burst 5 Attack: +26 vs Reflex Hit: 3d12 + 18 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Effect: The burst creates a zone until the end of Abalach-re's next five turns. The zone is difficult terrain and provides concealment. Abalach-Re has truesight against everything within the zone. |
Minor Actions | ||
Frightful Majesty (fear) ♦ Encounter | ||
The very presence of the draconic sorcerer-queen fills you with dread. Range: Close Burst 20 Attack: +26 vs Will Hit: The target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). |
Draconic Resilience ♦ Recharges on 5-6 | ||
Abalach-Re's superior draconic body and quintuple mind shrugs off an otherwise debilitating effect. Effect: Abalach-Re makes a saving throw to end one effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a successful saving throw. Focus: If Abalach-Re has draconic focus, she instead loses it and saves against the effect. |
Triggered Actions | ||
Vengeance of Adaptive Flesh ♦ At-Will | ||
Abalach-Re shares her exquisite pain on her tormentor. Trigger: Abalach-Re is hit by an attack (reaction) Range: Ranged 10 (triggering enemy) Attack: +26 vs Will 15 damage and ongoing 15 damage of the triggering type, if any. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. |
Skills Arcana +24, Bluff +23, History +24, Insight +21, Perception +21 | ||
Str: 25 (+18)
Con: 29 (+20) |
Dex: 19 (+15)
Int: 27 (+19) |
Wis: 20 (+16)
Cha: 24 (+18) |
Alignment chaotic evil | ||
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Primordial | ||
Equipment Swallowed orbs, robes | ||
SorcererMonarchs |
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